We Will Miss You Asma Jahangir!

When common people specially women, minorities, marginalized communities and working class in our sub-continent are being subjected to unparalleled violence inflicted by the state, religious bigots, feudal elites and crony capitalists one of the greatest fighters for the rights of the common people, Asma Jahangir, a dear friend is no more. Pakistan’s well-known human rights activist and senior lawyer Asma Jahangir passed away in Lahore on February 11 (2018). Asma died of cardiac arrest when she was only 66.

She was born in 1952 in a political family which had long tradition of opposing military rulers and religion based politics in Pakistan. Her father was a great supporter of the political rights of people of the East Pakistan.She and her sister Hina Jilani became the most prominent faces of resistance to Islamist politics in Pakistan, faced immense reparation in Zia’s regime but never compromised. Asma Jahangir till her last breath kept on fighting indefatigably for the rights of minorities and women in Pakistan.

She co-founded the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan in 1987 and became its Secretary General until 1993 when she was elevated as commission’s chairperson. Later, she also became president of Supreme Court Bar Association. She also co-chaired South Asians for Human Rights. Due to her unwavering commitment against police state and religious persecution of minorities she was appointed United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Arbitrary or summary executions and later as the United Nations Rapporteur of Freedom of religion or belief.

She with her sister, Hina founded an institution which worked 24×7 to help victims of rape, Hudood Law, religious violence and police repression. She took the issue of ‘disappearances’ of political activists in Baluchistan by the Pakistan army to UN. She was imprisoned many times and was top on hit list of Islam-o-fascists of Pakistan and army intelligence agencies.

She was not only a severe critique of Islamist bigots and state terrorism in Pakistan but she was equally hard hitting against India for human rights excesses, especially in Kashmir. She was never welcome in India, denied visa many times. Even when she was allowed to visit India in2009 her room was raided by the Delhi police suspecting for indulging in anti-national activities. Of course, later the then PM of India, Manmohan Singh apologized. Asma in her typical feisty reaction told the media that it did not trouble her much as she “had gotten used to [this kind of treatment] in Pakistan”.

I interviewed her in August 1995 when there was an attempt on her life within the compound of Lahore High Court. The views she expressed 23 years back are relevant even today. If were warnings were heeded both Pakistan and India would not have been at the mercy of criminals who under the garb of religion are dismantling whatever was civilized and humane in the region. An article based on this interview which appeared in an English daily is reproduced here.


February 16, 1995, Asma Jahangir is attacked and her car set on fire within the premises of the Lahore High Court. Her “crime”: she is pleading the case of 14-year-old Salamat Masih, one of the many blasphemy accused she has been defending. The incident and the case make headlines. But Asma is unmoved. “These are the essential risks of the cause I have chosen to uphold,” she once said. A cause she upholds as the chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. A cause she furthers by running a 24-hour legal aid cell, exclusively for women and members of the minorities victimized by feudal elements and Shariat laws.

It is not surprising, since she belongs to a family which has a tradition of opposing dictatorial regimes. Her father headed the West Pakistan chapter of Sheikh Mujib’s Awami League and spent many years in Ayub Khan’s jails for supporting the Bengali Muslim struggle. Asma and her sister Hina were students when their participation in anti-Ayub agitations landed them in jail, time and again. The dictators are gone but dictatorial laws continue to hold sway in Pakistan. Laws such as 295-C under which the only punishment is death. All you need to do is go to a police post and lodge a complaint that a person has insulted the Prophet. This would become a case of Gustakhi-e-Rasool (blasphemy). A law that can be used to settle personal scores, including land disputes, get rid of lawful wives and browbeat Muslims and minorities alike, according to Asma. In one case, that she has been defending, a Muslim social worker was implicated in a blasphemy case by someone who wanted his job.

Then there are the Shariat laws on rape, the brainchild of General Zia. The rape victim must produce four witnesses—all Muslim males—to prove the crime. If the witnesses happen to be non-Muslims or women, the required number goes up to eight. The result is that the victims often end up in jail themselves after being convicted of adultery, a crime that carries a sentence of seven years. Today, 70 percent of the women languishing in Pakistan’s jails are victims of such laws, according to Asma. All in the name of Islamization, Asma firmly believes that this is a political issue linked essentially to the sense of insecurity among Pakistan’s rulers, most of whom have been military dictators.

“Shariat laws have been their most favourite game. The more they repress and loot, the more they shout about upholding Islam.” The dictators are gone, but little has changed under the Bhutto government. The party had promised a review of Shariat laws, but has preferred to stay neutral, fearing backlash from the mullahs. “They have been given undue importance by dictators in Pakistan. They have intruded into every aspect of life,” says Asma, who feels that their role in education is questionable. “It is worrying to see that the younger generation is turning to fanaticism under the mullahs‟ influence.” But the doughty lawyer is hopeful of the future. “Women in Pakistan are not going to submit to the whims of anybody. They are gearing up for a prolonged battle to save their honour and existence,” says Asma who views the minorities as a “natural ally” in this struggle.

She also alerts the world, including India, to be on guard against religious fundamentalism which threatens to take over the polity. “Act now,” she cautions.

[This article appeared in The Times of India, Delhi on 20-08-1995]


RSS, the leading flag-bearer of the Hindutva politics and the most significant motivating spirit behind Modi government at the Centre and BJP State governments has been demanding cleansing of minorities like Muslims and Christians for being foreigners. Even after Independence, the most prominent ideologue of the RSS, Guru Golwalkar, declared Muslims and Christians as ‘Internal Threats’ number ONE and TWO respectively (Bunch of Thoughts, p. 177).

RSS, its leaders and cadres always propagated the theory that Hindus were at perpetual war with these two minorities specially Muslims. It was reiterated recently by none other than a senior RSS leader and current Governor of Tripura, Tathagata Roy who in a tweet wrote, “The Hindu-Muslim problem won’t b solved without a Civil War”. He claimed that it was from the diary dated January 10, 1946 of the Hindutva icon, Syama Prasad Mookerjee. It may be noted that Mookerjee closely worked with the Muslim League in serving the British rule and was deputy CM in the Muslim League ministry of Bengal in 1942 when Congress was banned. Tathagata’s digging up of the above quote shows that he believes in its relevance today.  

The brazen unhindered violence at Baduria and adjoining Basirhat in West Bengal’s North 24 Parganas district, perpetrated by the marauding Muslim mobs targeting common Hindus while protesting against an objectionable post denigrating Islam, its Prophet and holy place by a teenager Hindu of the area proves that apart from the protagonists of Hindutva politics there are criminal elements among Muslims who want Tathagata Roy to be proved right.   

This violence targeting innocent Hindus not only weakens the democratic-secular narrative against rising Hindutva violence against Muslims, Christians and Dalits but provides RSS another opportunity to pose as defender of the ‘persecuted’ Hindus. This fact cannot be ignored that whenever mobs inspired by Hindutva politics attacked the whole of the Muslim community for any ‘crime’ of a Muslim individual or group like massacre of Muslims in Gujarat in 2002 as revenge for burning of train coaches at Godhra, the same was hugely condemned. Whenever, Muslim localities and properties were attacked as revenge against some objectionable posts by some Muslims or latter targetted for some Muslim carrying ‘beef’, the public opinion generally decried such engineered violence. 

This area has no history of violence between Hindus and Muslims, not even in pre-Partition days. The present violence is the outcome of tussle for supremacy between a Muslim ‘strongman’ who is patronized by TMC and a Hindu ‘strongman’ backed by BJP/RSS. Both of them present themselves as saviours of their respective communities. The saddest part was the criminal attitude of the law and order machinery of the area. The controversial FB posting had gone viral three days prior to the attacks on Hindus. Police and higher district officials remained mute spectators to this. It seems as if they were waiting for this kind of flare up so that polarization is complete.  

Muslim mobs which roamed freely attacking Hindus and destroying their properties for couple of days claimed that they were doing it for saving the honour of Islam. The honour of Islam seemed to be so shallow and vulnerable that a FB post would destroy it. This is height of hypocrisy. Moreover, this zeal for saving the honour of Islam did not extend beyond the boundaries of an Assembly constituency. Muslims beyond this limited area did not bother about it. Does it mean that only Muslims of this segment were true Muslims? The fact was that it was not a religious issue but a ploy to settle political feuds.

This lawlessness and criminal attacks by a section of Muslims in 24 Parganas also shows how plethora of Islamic organizations/institutions which are found in dozens in every Muslim mohallah, though claiming to be guardians of Muslims and Islam, are least bothered about strategic ends of the community. They waste their time and energy in fighting against rights of Muslim women and enforcing sharia (which one out of hundreds nobody knows) having no appetite for building up an egalitarian and secular community.

It is unfortunate that when the violent attacks of Hindutva organizations on minorities are under serious scrutiny in India and abroad the communal Muslims by indulging is senseless violence against Hindus are providing legitimacy to Hindutva terror.

It is true that during this period of violence against Hindus there many examples when Muslims saved and sheltered their Hindu neighbours. It may be true that those who perpetrated violence against Hindus came from outside. But it does not reduce the degree of culpability of local Muslims. They should have fought these criminal elements and saved their neighbours. This would have strengthened the secular fabric of our country and denied any legitimacy to the politics of polarization. Unfortunately, we are witnessing a sad scenario when Muslim communalists seem to be competing with Hindutva communalists in undoing democratic-secular India.

Manufacturing Anti-National Muslims


When India was celebrating foundation of a democratic-secular Republic by inviting rulers of the ASEAN and PM Modi called upon the countries to make the region "free from contests, claims" ominous developments were taking place in the largest democracy of the world. Muslims were under attack from pro-Hindutva 'evilgentsia' (perverted form of intelligentsia) on social media and goons on streets. These attacks were not  the evil deeds of some foreign/domestic terrorist modules but home grown 'nationalist' individuals and organizations with connections with the Hindutva organizations patronized/liked by our rulers including the PM.

The Republic day celebrations were witness to the fact that concerted attempts were made to brand common Muslims of India as criminals, anti-national and terrorists so to become soft and legitimate targets for ethnic cleansing.    

Attack on school bus in Gurugram: Madhu Kishwar joined the Muslim witch-hunt

On Wednesday, January 23, 2018 in a blood chilling incident at Gurugram (Gurgaon) an air-conditioned bus of GD Goenka World School transporting students were attacked by a mob protesting against screening of the film Padmavat. They were carrying banners and placards demanding ban on the film. This mob belonged to which organization was known to police also. A similar or same mob had burnt a government bus too in the city.  However, from next day according to a report in a prominent English daily, "Since Thursday, social media was rife with rumours that among those arrested for Wednesday's in Gurugram were five Muslims, implying the violence was orchestrated to sully the image of Rajputs and the government".[i]

The rumour was first spread by one Shalini Kapoor based in Kanpur in a Facebook post who identified herself as the regional in-charge of one "Kanya Shakti Kranti" an affiliate of Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha, the youth wing of BJP. She even identified the criminals as Saddam, Aamir, Feroze, Nadeem and Ashraf thus giving credibility to the rumour. It was not surprising that this lie was also shared on the very Republic Day by the author of 'Modinama' (Praise of Modi) and a die-hard supporter of RSS/BJP regime, Madhu Kishwar,

"who has a large following on Twitter. At 12.04 am on Friday, she tweeted: 'The names of the 5 people arrested for stone pelting a children's school bus in the name of Karni Sena protesting against Bhansali's movie are Saddam, Aamir, Feroze, Nadeem and Ashraf. IF ABOVE NEWS IS TRUE THEN IT SPEAKS VOLUMES. No more need to be said.' This was widely shared. Similar tweets were also issued by several fake Twitter handles".[ii]

She went ahead with spreading hatred against Muslims despite the fact that same day at 11.44 am police commissioner of Gurugram had clarified that

"This is to clarify that no Muslims boys have been detained in relation to the recent acts of vandalism on a Haryana Roadways bus and a School bus in Gurugram".[iii]

Alt News, a website which specializes in spotting fake news was right in claiming that in the surcharged atmosphere, this rumour could have acted as a spark.

It is true that this fan of Modi and Hindutva politics later deleted the tweet and apologized but the damage had already been done. Her original tweet was retweeted by thousands.[iv] Kishwar's apology was more bogus than her tweet. According to her she had been "in Chennai & missed out on news updates due to hectic schedule." It is shocking that despite her missing out on news and hectic schedule she did have time for tweeting the fake news spreading hatred against Muslims despite the police denial. She is described as an academician but she forgot the basic trait of an academician that you rely on facts and verifiable facts. Moreover, even if the perpetrators had been Muslims to drag all Muslims into the crime was an anti-national crime. By this logic all Brahmins are to be responsible for the crimes of Ravan, a Brahmin! It would be atrocious. Madhu Kishwar joining the witch-hunt does not surprise as she may be under mental pressure that she has not been awarded with a ministerial berth in Modi's cabinet or some national award as she still has not been recognized as hard core Hindutva cadre. It is sad happening to an academician.

Kasganj UP: Muslims under attack despite organizing Tiranga Yatra

Kasganj, UP and Gurugram, Haryana may be 225 kilometers apart, however, the commonalities are that both are governed by RSS/BJP, are inhabited by both Hindus and Muslims and in both the places Muslims were demonized/attacked on the eve of Republic Day for none of their crimes.  

Astonishingly, at Kasganj Muslims were attacked by a mob which consisted of members of ABVP and VHP (RSS created organizations) despite the fact that Muslims of Kasganj had organized a proper march in the city with the National Flag as part of the Republic Day celebrations. It may be interesting to note that RSS and its affiliates continuously charge that Muslims are not loyal to India and hesitate in flying the Tricolour.

According to Abhishek Angad of The Sunday Express,

"Minutes before an unauthorised 'Tiranga Yatra' on motorcycles entered Baddu Nagar in Kasganj, triggering a communal clash, residents of the Muslim-dominated locality had arranged chairs on the road and were getting ready to hoist the Tricolour on Republic Day, senior police officers and witnesses told The Sunday Express.

"Members of the bike rally, however, demanded that the chairs be removed and a path cleared for them to move on, residents said. 'They were shouting slogans, we requested them to let our celebrations finish first. But they were adamant and did not leave,' said Mohammed Munazir Rafi, a resident and advocate.

"Speaking to The Indian Express, IGP Dhruva Kant Thakur, who reached Kasganj from Lucknow on Saturday morning, said, 'Members of the Muslim community were about to hoist the national flag when the incident took place.'

"A video in the possession of some residents of Baddu Nagar, purportedly of the incident, shows a group of around 60 people, with some of them carrying the Tricolour and saffron flags and shouting: “Bike toh yahin se jayegi (The bikes will pass through here).”[v]

According to Kasganj Additional SP Pavitra Mohan Tripathi, police separated the two groups. However, according to him the rally participants regrouped and took a detour to reach Tehsil road, another Muslim-dominated area, where residents thought they had arrived to retaliate. Tripathi added that “this triggered the shooting incident in which a 28-year-old man was killed”.[vi]

It is alleged that there was cross shooting in which Chandan Abhishek was killed and Naushad was admitted with bullet injuries. People returning from cremation ground went on attacking spree and "the cases arson and vandalism have taken place despite a heavy deployment of police forces including the provincial armed constabulary (PAC) and the rapid action force (RAF)".[vii] The rioters burnt shops, houses and vehicles and tried to put a local mosque also on fire.

It will be interesting to know that RSS never in the freedom struggle showed any regard for the Tricolour. It denigrated the choice of Tricolour as the National Flag just on the eve of India's Independence. The RSS English organ Organizer demeaning the choice of the National Flag on the eve of Independence (14 August 1947) wrote:

"The people who have come to power by the kick of fate may give in our hands the Tricolour but it never be respected and owned by Hindus. The word three is in itself an evil, and a flag having three colours will certainly produce a very bad psychological effect and is injurious to a country."

The use of Tricolour by the RSS organizations is a new tool to persecute Muslims. Even unfurling it will not save them from attacks. The Hindutva organization led by RSS can go to any extent to demean and persecute Muslims. The truth is that even if Muslims were not in India, the RSS with its Hindu rashtra project would have invented Muslims. The RSS/BJP leaders believe that focus on 'Muslim Enemy' can divert the attention of common Hindus from, poverty, unemployment, hunger, violence and absence of health/education facilities. Will this politics succeed? It depends on the resilience of the Indian Republic, presently passing through crisis of existence under the present regime.

For some of S. Islam's writings in English, Hindi, Marathi, Malayalam, Kannada, Bengali, Punjabi, Urdu & Gujarati see here 


[i] https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/hindi/bollywood/news/padmaavat-police-quash-rumour-that-muslim-men-attacked-school-bus-in-bhondsi/articleshow/62666733.cms?

[ii] https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/hindi/bollywood/news/padmaavat-police-quash-rumour-that-muslim-men-attacked-school-bus-in-bhondsi/articleshow/62666733.cms

[iii] https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/hindi/bollywood/news/padmaavat-police-quash-rumour-that-muslim-men-attacked-school-bus-in-bhondsi/articleshow/62666733.cms?

[iv] https://thewire.in/217999/karni-sena-padmavati-gurugram-bus-attack-muslim-men-arrested/

[v] http://indianexpress.com/article/india/kasganj-violence-both-sides-had-tricolour-fight-was-over-right-of-way-uttar-pradesh-communal-clash-5041877/

[vi] http://indianexpress.com/article/india/kasganj-violence-both-sides-had-tricolour-fight-was-over-right-of-way-uttar-pradesh-communal-clash-5041877/


[vii] https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/kasganj-still-on-edge-kiosk-burnt-despite-heavy-police-deployment/story-hsbhGvUx3f8WOn0FR0lgIL.html

Fascists under the garb of Islam

The modern Islamic puritans need to recollect that the holiest place in Islam, the Kabah in Mecca, Saudi Arabia was a pre-Islam temple. It was chosen by the Prophet to show continuity. Indian Muslims, have remained committed to the democratic-secular Indian polity, despite grave provocation.

As per the initial investigations by the French intelligence agencies, the massacre at Nice in France by a French Muslim (of Tunisian origin), who riding a heavy truck ploughed through a big gathering celebrating French National Day, is reported to have been committed not as part of terrorism commanded by some Islam-o-fascist organisation. It seems to be the work of a volatile petty criminal with little interest in Islam.  This may be true, but the fact is that the juggernaut of the Islam-o-fascists is on the roll, marauding different parts of the globe with unparalleled savagery and sadism. They claim to represent the “true” spirit of Islam and target the West for wrongdoing to Muslims. 

The Islam-o-fascists, who originated in Arabia, not only outrightly reject any talk of diversity in the world but also within Islam. Islam originated in Arabia with its holy book in Arabic but spread to different parts of the world because as a religion it adapted itself to different environments and geographical realities. Iran's conversion to Islam was complete by the mid-7th century but the former refused to abandon its Persian and linguistic heritage. When Arab caliphs tried to erode it, the Iranian Muslim intelligentsia launched a movement called Shu'ubiyyah to protect and revive their distinctive language and culture, a process known as Persianisation. Despite almost a century-long persecution, the Arab rulers failed to destroy this spirit and allowed sermons in Persian. 

South-East Asia is another example where Islam merged into the local social milieu. In countries like Indonesia, almost all Muslims carry Sanskrit names. The national airline is known as Garuda Indonesia. Garuda being a Sanskrit word. In these areas Islam became a permanent fixture due to its flexibility, otherwise it would have disappeared long back. The modern Islamic puritans need to recollect that the holiest place in Islam, known as Kabah in Mecca, Saudi Arabia was a pre-Islam temple and was chosen by the Prophet to show the continuity. 

Islam-o-fascists have not only been spilling the blood of  innocent children, women and men but also destroying wonderful historic pieces which human civilisation created in the last so many millenniums. The dastardly  destruction of giant Buddha statues of Bamiyan in Afghanistan, the greatest symbols of Gandhara art in the world, by the Taliban in 2001 and one of the most culturally significant pieces of architecture in the world —Temple of Bel in Palmyra, Syria— in September 2015 only shows ignorance of history.

For them, it is difficult to comprehend that human civilisation did not start with the advent of Islam. It developed in thousands of years. There were conflicts but synthesis was the rule and Islam too developed as the synthesis of many cultures and religions. Also, no religion can claim that its followers make a monolithic whole or can be turned into one by some jihadi army. 

The Islam-o-fascists defend their criminal acts by arguing that they are fighting to “save Islam/Muslims” from Christian/non-Muslim adversaries. Their grouse is that in the name of fighting terrorism, the West is targeting all Muslims. See what these self-appointed guardians of Islam are doing. They are killing, raping and maiming innocent people who have nothing to do with rulers of any creed or hue. It's idiotic to think that bombs and bullets are programmed to first verify from the victims his/her religion before striking. The recent carnage at Dacca showed that even if these criminals manually verify every hostage's religion, there would be Muslims who would choose to be killed with other non-Muslims. They forget that on this earth almost everywhere people professing different religions stay and work together. 

The leaders of the West, the USA and allies like Saudi Arabia declare their firm resolves to crush Islam-o-fascists after every attack. The mainstream US media goes on to explain these terrorist attacks in the context of the “clash of civilisations” thesis of Samuel Huntington. It is interesting; those who created jihadi Islam are also fed up with it. This is West which faced with the rising tide of Arab nationalism, pan-Arabism, Arab socialism and anti-imperialist in the 1970s, under the leadership of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party which was led by both Muslims and Christians. The intelligence agencies of the West then starting sponsoring “Islamic” organisations which would fight the Arab socialists. When the Arab socialists decided to make the Arab world free of totalitarian kingdoms like Jordan, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, the West ensured their safety and security against any socialist revolution in these kingdoms. 

Nurtured by the West

The official facts about how the Taliban was created and nurtured by the West, specially the CIA, are well-documented in a publication of the Yale University, Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, by Ahmed Rashid. The revelations are shocking. Under the direct supervision of the CIA chief William Casey in the 1990s, some 100,000 Muslim radicals from 43 Islamic countries in the Middle-East, North and East Africa, Central Asia and the the Far East were gathered in Pakistan and Afghanistan, armed with the latest armoury including stinger missiles in order to fight the Communists.

This terrible fact may not be known to many that the ISIS was originally created as Al-Qaida-linked opposition militias in Syria by the CIA. Military hardware and cash were made available courtesy Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in order to dislodge the Shiite regime in Syria. Islam-o-fascists' claim to be messiah of Muslims is a sheer lie. When the CIA sponsored the genocide of progressive Muslims in Indonesia in 1965-66, these were Islam-o-fascist organisations of Indonesia like, Nahdlatul Ulama Muhammadiyah who butchered approximately 1.5 million Muslims, Christians and Buddhists, in collusion with the Indonesian army. This genocide ranks as one of the worst mass murders of the 20th century. It was no different in East Pakistan during 1969-1971. The Islamist gangs were leading killers and rapists; approximately 2 million were killed and 4 lakh women raped. Most of the victims were Muslims but minorities were almost cleansed.

Indian Muslims

India with the third largest population of Muslims in the world would have been a good recruitment place for Islam-o-fascists. However, Indian Muslims have never been part of any such project in the past and there is no likelihood of their falling prey to such a nefarious project. It is heartening to know that out of almost 17 crore Muslims, according to Indian intelligence agencies, less than 50 persons have joined Islam-o-fascist ranks. Indian Muslims, despite the grave provocation from Hindutva organisations, have remained committed to the democratic-secular Indian polity. 

Interestingly, while challenging the Indianness of Indian Muslims Hindutva organisations and Islam-o-fascists are fully in agreement. According to the Hindutva discourse, Muslims (and Christians) cannot be part of the Hindu rashtra as they belong to a foreign religion. Islam-o-fascists too claim that Indian Muslims are Muslims only and not part of Hindu India.  Indian intelligence agencies concur with the fact that radicalisation of Indian Muslim youth took place only after the demolition of the mosque at Ayodhya. The successful running of democratic-secular India is a guarantee against any poaching of Indians by any brand of theocratic politics. 

This Article is originally published in Tribune


A foreign tiny country, Japan, is helping India's HAVES by providing loans worth almost ONE LAKH CRORE OF RUPEES to build and run BULLET TRAIN by charging interest rate of 0.1 annually and that too be paid in next FIFTY YEARS. Would RSS/BJP government of PM Modi help the distressed farmers of this very country, vast majority of them being Hindus, THE REAL HAVE NOTS, who are committing suicides every 45 minutes by advancing loans with the same rate of interest and for the same duration?

Sadanand Patwardhan, a renowned political commentator while clearing haze on this BULLET TRAIN hype wrote:

"Some MISCONCEPTIONS need to be cleared. Japan is Helping it's own DOMESTIC INDUSTRY & BANKING INSTITUTIONS through Modi's BULLET TRAIN program. 0.1% interest rate looks like free lunch that it is not. JAPAN is having NEGATIVE INTEREST RATES regime in force for long. Therefore by lending to this project it is making far better use of funds than the alternative. For the project, there are no competitors, no competitive bidding. MARGINS to be made can be FAT. By taxing the profits that Japanese companies make that Government will collect more taxes. We also do not know if interest rate is floating or not. YEN - INR Exchange Rate risk can skew call financials. If India gets really lucky and Japan becomes insolvent or a failed state, one never can tell these things, and India doesn't; then Indians will escape the bankruptcy guillotine like they did with ENRON despite Congress, Shiv Sena+BJP's best efforts to the contrary."


Professor Badri Raina has penned the following verse on how RSS/BJP rulers of India are bent upon presenting BULLET TRAIN as final moksha for people of India.

I Give You the Bullet Train
Are you hungry, are you in pain?
Come, I’ll feed you the bullet train. 
Have you no roof ov’r  your head?
Are you directly under the rain?
Come, jump into the bullet train. 
Are you on foot, pursued apace
By  rapist, moralist, policeman’s cane?
Just one way to cheat them all—
Ride away in the bullet train. 
The bullet train is quick and fast,
It leaves behind the ugly things
In such rapid tryst with development,
You’d think they never did exist. 
Are you a farmer with noose in hand,
About to end your endless pain,
  Consider a patriotic   move—
Go under the bullet train
[Poem by Professor Badri Raina]


BULLET TRAIN, in fact, is another nail in the coffin of MAKE IN INDIA. Earlier a Chinese company was awarded execution of the complete project of casting and installing Sardar Patel's statue in Gujarat, another pet-project of PM Modi. Incidentally, same Sardar ordered banning of RSS in 1948 for its role in the murder of MK Gandhi. It is believed to be worth three thousand crores of Indian rupees. PM Modi's another pet project YOGA required thousands of Yoga mats for holding Yoga programmes. The Modi government did not buy these from Indian manufacturers but imported around one lakh mats from China.


Opinion - Indian Express

Nation News - Tribune India

Deccan Herald

BULLET TRAIN, in fact, is another nail in the coffin of MAKE IN INDIA.The Modi government did not buy these from Indian manufacturers but imported around one lakh mats from China.Source: Google

BULLET TRAIN, in fact, is another nail in the coffin of MAKE IN INDIA.The Modi government did not buy these from Indian manufacturers but imported around one lakh mats from China.

Source: Google

Farcical Search Of The Perpetrators Of 1984 Massacre Of Sikhs By The Indian State

A version of this LTE appeared on 11 January, 2018 in The Tribune.

Another SIT! Since victims are of a minority community justice will never be done. After dozens of enquiry Commissions & Commissions & Special Investigation Teams another SIT after 34 years of Sikh Massacre. The whole exercise seems to gain time so that the terrible memories of the 1984 Massacre disappear from the memory of the Nation. BHARAT MAATAA KEE JAI!

As citizens of India, the largest democracy on this earth, we relish to claim that we are part of a civilization based on the principles like Satyameva Jayate (truth alone triumphs) and ahimsa (non-violence). Sadly, it may not be true for many of us, specially, minorities and Dalits. Despite Indian Constitution assuring no discrimination on the basis of religion and Caste, there are two kinds of system of justice; one for the majority community and high Castes and the other for minority communities and Dalits.

'Use History to Expose RSS Lies'

Like any fascist organization, the RSS is a master of lies. It presents itself as being synonymous with Indian nationalism despite the fact that not even a single RSS leader or member was even interrogated - let alone punished -  by the British rulers for participation in the Indian freedom struggle. In fact, it denigrated the anti-colonial struggle & sided with the Muslim league and the Hindu Mahasabha against the Indian National Congress. Here is video of my talk at Mumbai Collective 2017 titled 'Use history to expose RSS lies'. It is fully based on RSS documents.

An Open Letter to the 'Hindu Nationalist', Narendra Damodardas Modi Ji, Chief Minister of Gujarat



I hope you are fine. While talking to two Reuters journalists, Ross Colvin and Sruthi Gottipati, on July 12, 2013, you identified yourself as a ‘Hindu Nationalist’ and credited the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) for instilling in you, spirit “(to be a) patriot. Whatever work you do, you think are you doing this for the good of the nation? That's the basic training. The other basic training is discipline. Your life should be disciplined.”1

The news agency declared that it was a ‘rare interview’ of yours taken at your official Gandhinagar residence. It shocked me immensely as you were not talking as an ordinary Indian citizen but as the chief minister of Gujarat, a constitutional position under the democratic-secular constitution of India. I am taking the liberty of writing this letter to you in the hope that you, who claim to be believer in transparency, will respond to the issues I raise.

As a seasoned RSS pracharak or whole-timer you know about your roots better than me. Still I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the term ‘Hindu Nationalist’ originated in a specific historical context during India’s Freedom Struggle against the British colonial masters. This Freedom Struggle was mainly led by the Congress, which stood for an all-inclusive democratic-secular free India. The ‘Muslim Nationalists’, under the banner of the Muslim League, and the 'Hindu Nationalists', under the banners of the Hindu Mahasabha and the RSS, opposed it, claiming that Hindus and Muslims were two different nations. These Hindu and Muslim ‘Nationalists’ joined hands with the colonial masters in order to thwart the Freedom Struggle so that they could have theocratic states of their choice, ‘Hindusthan’ or Hindu Rashtra and Pakistan or Islamic state respectively.

The politics of the Muslim League and its role in dividing India are well known but I need to refresh your memory about the nefarious role that ‘Hindu Nationalists’ played in India before and after Independence. I am relying exclusively on documents of the RSS and the Hindu Mahasabha in order to put across reality.
‘Hindu Nationalists’ believe in the two-nation theory like the Muslim League
Narendra ji! I would like to draw your attention to the fact that both the originator of Hindutva, V.D. Savarkar and RSS, had unequivocal faith in the two-nation theory: that Hindus and Muslims are two different nations. While the Muslim League under the leadership of Mohammed Ali Jinnah resolved to have a separate homeland for Muslims of India in the form of Pakistan in 1940,
1 http://www.ndtv.com/article/india/narendra-modi-defends-himself-on-2002-gujarat-riots-highlights-391361

Savarkar propagated as early as 1937 that Hindus and Muslims were two different nations. While delivering the presidential address to the 19th Hindu Mahasabha session at Ahmedabad, ‘Veer’ Savarkar declared,
As it is, there are two antagonistic nations living side by side in India, several infantile politicians commit the serious mistake in supposing that India is already welded into a harmonious nation, or that it could be welded thus for the mere wish to do so. These were well meaning but unthinking friends take their dreams for realities. That is why they are impatient of communal tangles and attribute them to communal organizations. But the solid fact is that the so-called communal questions are but a legacy handed down to us by centuries of cultural, religious and national antagonism between the Hindus and Moslems...Let us bravely face unpleasant facts as they are. India cannot be assumed today to be a unitarian [sic] and homogenous nation, but on the contrary there are two nations in the main: the Hindus and the Moslems [sic], in India.2

Sir! The RSS, following in the foot-steps of ‘Veer’ Savarkar, always rejected the idea that Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians together constituted a nation. Its English organ, Organizer, on the very eve of Independence (August 14, 1947), editorially (titled ‘Whither’) underlined its belief in the two-nation theory once again in the following words:

Let us no longer allow ourselves to be influenced by false notions of nationhood. Much of the mental confusion and the present and future troubles can be removed by the ready recognition of the simple fact that in Hindusthan only the Hindus form the nation and the national structure must be built on that safe and sound foundation…the nation itself must be built up of Hindus, on Hindu traditions, culture, ideas and aspirations.

Your claim, 'My secularism is, India first' is problematic as you do not regard yourself as an Indian nationalist but as a ‘Hindu nationalist.’ If you are a Hindu nationalist then there will be, naturally, ‘Muslim nationalists’, ‘Sikh nationalists’, ‘Christian nationalists’, and so on. Thus you set the ball rolling for a divided India. This is surely a corollary of your organizational faith in the two-nation theory.

2 V. D. Savarkar cited in V. D. Savarkar, Samagra Savarkar Wangmaya: Hindu Rashtra Darshan, vol. 6, Maharashtra Prantik Hindusabha, Poona, 1963, p. 296.

Hindu Nationalists decry and denigrate the Indian national flag

Modi Sir, as a senior and prominent whole-timer of the RSS you must know that on the eve of Independence the above mentioned RSS organ used the following language against the Tri-colour, the new

National Flag of India:

The people who have come to power by the kick of fate may give in our hands the Tricolour but it never [sic] be respected and owned by Hindus. The word three is in itself an evil, and a flag having three colours will certainly produce a very bad psychological effect and is injurious to a country.3
Hindu nationalists ran coalition governments with the Muslim League in 1942-43
1942 was a critical year in the history of India’s Freedom Struggle. In a nation-wide call the British rulers were asked to ‘Quit India’. The rulers responded by turning the country into a hell: armed squads killed common Indians completely disregarding the rule of law, millions were arrested and thousands suffered unparalleled repression. The Congress governments which were ruling different Provinces of British India were dismissed. The only political organizations allowed to work were the Hindu Mahasabha and the Muslim League. These two organizations united to serve the rulers and formed coalition governments. It was corroborated by the mentor of RSS. ‘Veer’ Savarkar in his presidential address to the 24th session of the Hindu Mahasabha at Kanpur in 1942 declared,

In practical politics also the Mahasabha knows that we must advance through reasonable compromises. Witness the fact that only recently in Sind, the Sind-Hindu-Sabha on invitation had taken the responsibility of joining hands with the League itself in running coalition Government. The case of Bengal is well known. Wild Leaguers whom even the Congress with all its submissiveness could not placate grew quite reasonably compromising and socialable as soon as they came in contact with the HM and the Coalition Government, under the premiership of Mr. Fazlul Huq and the able lead of our esteemed Mahasabha leader Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerji, functioned successfully for a year or so to the benefit of both the communities.4

When Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose was trying to liberate India, the Hindu nationalists were helping to strengthen the British rule and its armed forces
Sir, you must be familiar with the name of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, who tried to liberate India militarily with the help of Germany and Japan. However, during this period ‘Hindu Nationalists’,
3 Organizer, August 14, 1947.
4 V. D. Savarkar cited in V. D. Savarkar, Samagra Savarkar Wangmaya: Hindu Rashtra Darshan, vol. 6, Maharashtra Prantik Hindusabha, Poona, 1963, pp. 479-80

instead of helping him, were hand in glove with the British masters in defeating Netaji’s liberation struggle (in which former succeeded). Hindu Mahasabha under ‘Veer’ Savarkar’s leadership organized recruitment camps for British armed forces. The Hindutva camp’s surrender to the colonial masters was total, as we see in the following utterances of ‘Veer’ Savarkar:

So far as India’s defence is concerned, Hindudom must ally unhesitatingly, in a spirit of responsive co-operation with the war effort of the Indian government in so far as it is consistent with the Hindu interests, by joining the Army, Navy and the Aerial forces in as large a number as possible and by securing an entry into all ordnance, ammunition and war craft factories…Again it must be noted that Japan’s entry into the war has exposed us directly and immediately to the attack by Britain’s enemies. Consequently, whether we like it or not, we shall have to defend our own hearth and home against the ravages of the war and this can only be done by intensifying the government’s war effort to defend India. Hindu Mahasabhaites must, therefore, rouse Hindus especially in the provinces of Bengal and Assam as effectively as possible to enter the military forces of all arms without losing a single minute.5
What RSS instills in cadres?

Sir, in your interview you claimed that RSS instills in cadres the spirit of patriotism, working for the good of the nation and discipline. Since RSS stands for Hindu Rashtra or nation, one can understand the fate of democratic-secular India in the hands of RSS cadres. You should have shared what the most prominent ideologue of the RSS, Golwalkar, expected from RSS members. While addressing a gathering of top ranking RSS on March 16, 1954, at Sindi, Wardha, he said:

If we say that we are part of the organization and accept its discipline then selectiveness has no place in life. Do what is told. If told to play kabaddi, play kabaddi; told to hold meeting then meeting….For instance some of our friends were told to go and work for politics that does not mean that they have great interest or inspiration for it. They don’t die for politics like fish without water. If they are told to withdraw from politics then also there is no objection. Their discretion is just not required.6

This second statement of 'Guru' Golwalkar is also significant.

We know this also that some of our Swayamsevaks work in politics. There they have to organize according to the needs of work public meetings, processions etc., have to raise

5 V. D. Savarkar cited in V. D. Savarkar, Samagra Savarkar Wangmaya: Hindu Rashtra Darshan, vol. 6, Maharashtra Prantik Hindusabha, Poona, 1963, p. 460. V. D. Savarkar cited in V. D. Savarkar, Samagra Savarkar Wangmaya: Hindu Rashtra Darshan, vol. 6, Maharashtra Prantik Hindusabha, Poona, 1963, pp. 479-80.

6 SGSD, vol. iii, p. 32.

slogans. All these things have no place in our work. However, like the character in a play whatever role has been assigned should be portrayed with best of capability. But sometimes Swayamsevaks go beyond the role assigned to a performer (nat) as they develop over-zealousness in their hearts, to the extent that they become useless for this work. This is not good.7
Modi Sir, we find here 'Guru' Golwalkar referring to the Swayamsevaks loaned to the political satellite as ‘nat’, performers, who are meant to dance to the tune of the RSS. It should be noted here that Golwalkar’s above design of controlling the political arm was elaborated in March 1960, almost nine years after the establishment of the Jana Sangh (the forerunner of the BJP) in 1951. What I would like to know from you is whether you are serving the democratic-secular polity of India or are a mere ‘nat’, a tool in the hands of the RSS for turning India into a theocratic state. Fact is that RSS makes its cadres spineless.

Betrayal by RSS in India’s Freedom Struggle

Sir, your claim that the RSS taught you patriotism is suspect, given the history of that organization as seen in its documents. I shall present some relevant documents for your kind perusal.

The Non-cooperation Movement and the Quit India Movement were two great milestones in the history of the Indian Freedom Movement, and here is the great thesis of the great Golwalkar on these two great happenings:

Definitely there are bound to be bad results of struggle. The boys became unruly after the 1920-21 movement. It is not an attempt to throw mud at the leaders. But these are inevitable products after the struggle. The matter is that we could not properly control these results. After 1942, people often started thinking that there was no need to think of the law.8
Thus 'Guru' Golwalkar wanted the Indians to respect the draconian and repressive laws of the inhuman British rulers! After the 1942 Movement he further admitted,
In 1942 also there was a strong sentiment in the hearts of many. At that time too the routine work of Sangh continued. Sangh vowed not to do anything directly. However, upheaval (uthal-puthal) in the minds of Sangh volunteers continued. Sangh is an organization of

7 SGSD, vol. iv, pp. 4-5.

8SGSD, volume IV, p. 41.

inactive persons, their talks are useless, not only outsiders but also many of our volunteers did talk like this. They were greatly disgusted too.9

Sir, we have been told that the RSS did nothing directly. However, there is not a single publication or document of the RSS which throws light on what the RSS did indirectly for the Quit India Movement. During this period, in fact, its mentor, ‘Veer’ Savarkar, ran coalition governments with the Muslim League. I must conclude that because the RSS did nothing, directly or indirectly, for the Quit India Movement, and indeed acted against it, that titanic movement was, for you and your forebears, the opposite of patriotic.
RSS denigrates martyrs of India’s Freedom Struggle

Modi Sir, I would like to know your views on the statements of 'Guruji' decrying and denigrating martyrs like Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekar Azad, Ashfaqullah Khan. Here is a passage from the chapter, ‘Martyr, Great But Not Ideal’ from Bunch Of Thoughts, a veritable Geeta for RSS cadres such as yourself.

There is no doubt that such men who embrace martyrdom are great heroes and their philosophy too is pre-eminently manly. They are far above the average men who meekly submit to fate and remain in fear and inaction. All the same, such persons are not held up as ideals in our society. We have not looked upon their martyrdom as the highest point of greatness to which men should aspire. For, after all, they failed in achieving their ideal, and failure implies some fatal flaw in them.10

Sir, can there be a statement more insulting to the martyrs than this? The founder of the RSS, Dr. Hedgewar, went one step further:

Patriotism is not only going to prison. It is not correct to be carried away by such superficial patriotism.11
Don’t you feel, Sir, that if martyrs like Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev, Ashfaqullah, Chandrashekhar Azad had come in contact with the then RSS leadership, they could have been saved from giving their lives for ‘superficial patriotism’? This also must be the reason why RSS leaders or cadres did not face repression during British rule and the RSS did not produce any martyr during the Freedom Movement. Finally, Sir, are we to regard as noble patriotism the cringing letters that 'Veer' Savarkar wrote to the Angrez Sarkar?

9 SGSD, Volume IV, p. 40.
10 MS Golwalkar, Bunch of Thoughts, Sahitya Sindhu, Bangalore, 1996, p. 283.
11 CP Bhishikar, Sanghavariksh Ke Beej: Dr. Keshavrao Hedgewar, Suruchi, 1994, p. 21.

RSS’ hatred for democracy

Modi ji, as Chief Minister of Gujarat and a prominent leader of the BJP, you are supposed to function within the Democratic-Secular polity of India. What is your take on the following decree ordained by 'Guru' Golwalkar while addressing a group of 1,350 top level cadres of the RSS in 1940?
RSS inspired by one flag, one leader and one ideology is lighting the flame of Hindutva in each and every corner of this great land.12

I would like to bring it to your notice that this decree of ‘one flag, one leader and one ideology’ was also the battle cry of Fascist and Nazi parties of Europe in the first half of 20th century. What they did to democracy is well-known to this world.

Against federalism

The RSS is also dead against the federal structure given in the Constitution, again a basic feature of the Indian polity. This is clear from the following communication of M.S. Golwalkar to the first session of the National Integration Council in 1961:

Today’s federal form of government not only gives birth but also nourishes the feelings of separatism, in a way refuses to recognize the fact of one nation and destroys it. It must be completely uprooted, constitution purified and unitary form of government be established.13

‘Hindu Nationalists’ stand for Casteism and anti-women Polity

Sir, if you peep into the archives of the RSS and its brother organizations who want the rule of Hindutva in India, it will be immediately clear that all of them hated the Constitution of India, which was drafted under the guidance of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. When the Constituent Assembly of India had finalized the Constitution of India the RSS was not happy. Its organ, Organizer, in an editorial on November 30, 1949, complained:
But in our constitution there is no mention of the unique constitutional development in ancient Bharat. Manu’s Laws were written long before Lycurgus of Sparta or Solon of Persia. To this day his laws as enunciated in the Manusmriti excite the admiration of the world and elicit spontaneous obedience and conformity. But to our constitutional pundits that means nothing.

12 Golwalkar, M. S., Shri guruji Samagar Darshan (Collected works of Golwalkar in Hindi), Vol. I (Nagpur: Bhartiya Vichar Sadhna, nd), p. 11.
13 MS Golwalkar, Shri Guruji Samagar Darshan (collected works of Golwalkar in Hindi), Bhartiya Vichar Sadhna, Nagpur, nd., volume iii, p. 128. Hereafter referred as SGSD.

In fact, RSS had been following the ideology laid down by ‘Veer’ Savarkar. It may not be a secret to you, Sir, that ‘Veer’ Savarkar remained a great proponent of Casteism and worshipper of Manusmriti throughout his life. According to this apostle of Hindu Nationalism:

Manusmriti is that scripture which is most worshipable [sic] after Vedas for our Hindu Nation and which from ancient times has become the basis of our culture-customs, thought and practice. This book for centuries has codified the spiritual and divine march of our nation. Even today the rules which are followed by crores of Hindus in their lives and practice are based on Manusmriti. Today Manusmriti is Hindu Law.14
Sir, as a great flag-bearer of Hindutva politics you must know what kind of society ‘Hindu Nationalists’ like you want to usher in. Since you are very busy, I am reproducing from the Code of Manu his prescriptions for Dalits/Untouchables and women. These dehumanizing and degenerate laws, which are presented here, are self-explanatory.
Laws of Manu concerning Dalits/Untouchables.
(1) For the sake of the prosperity of the worlds (the divine one) caused the Brahmana, the Kshatriya, the Vaisya, and the Sudra to proceed from his mouth, his arm, his thighs and his feet.
(2) One occupation only the lord prescribed to the Sudras, to serve meekly even these (other) three castes.
(3) Once-born man (a Sudra), who insults a twice-born man with gross invective, shall have his tongue cut out; for he is of low origin.
(4) If he mentions the names and castes (gati) of the (twice-born) with contumely, an iron nail, ten fingers long, shall be thrust red-hot into his mouth.
(5) If he arrogantly teaches Brahmanas their duty, the king shall cause hot oil to be poured into his mouth and into his ears.
(6) With whatever limb a man of a low caste does hurt to (a man of the three) highest (castes), even that limb shall be cut off; that is the teaching of Manu.
(7) He who raises his hand or a stick, shall have his hand cut off; he who in anger kicks with his foot, shall have his foot cut off.
14 Savarkar, V. D., ‘Women in Manusmriti’ in Savarkar Samagar, Vol. 4 [Collection of Savarkar’s Writings in Hindi] (New Delhi: Prabhat), 416.
(8) A low-caste man who tries to place himself on the same seat with a man of a high caste, shall be branded on his hip and be banished, or (the king) shall cause his buttock to be gashed.
(9) Let him never slay a Brahmana, though he have committed all (possible) crimes; let him banish such an (offender), leaving all his property (to him) and (his body) unhurt.
Laws of Manu concerning Women
1. Day and night woman must be kept in dependence by the males (of) their (families), and, if they attach themselves to sensual enjoyments, they must be kept under one’s control.
2. Her father protects (her) in childhood, her husband protects (her) in youth, and her sons protect (her) in old age; a woman is never fit for independence.
3. Women must particularly be guarded against evil inclinations, however trifling (they may appear); for, if they are not guarded, they will bring sorrow on two families.
4. Considering that the highest duty of all castes, even weak husbands (must) strive to guard their wives.
5. No man can completely guard women by force; but they can be guarded by the employment of the (following) expedients:
6. Let the (husband) employ his (wife) in the collection and expenditure of his wealth, in keeping (everything) clean, in (the fulfillment of) religious duties, in the preparation of his food, and in looking after the household utensils.
7. Women, confined in the house under trustworthy and obedient servants, are not (well) guarded; but those who of their own accord keep guard over themselves, are well guarded.
8. Women do not care for beauty, nor is their attention fixed on age; (thinking), ‘(It is enough that) he is a man,’ they give themselves to the handsome and to the ugly.
9. Through their passion for men, through their mutable temper, through their natural heartlessness, they become disloyal towards their husbands, however carefully they may be guarded in this (world).
10. (When creating them) Manu allotted to women (a love of their) bed, (of their) seat and (of) ornament, impure desires, wrath, dishonesty, malice, and bad conduct.
11. For women no (sacramental) rite (is performed) with sacred texts, thus the law is settled; women (who are) destitute of strength and destitute of (the knowledge of) Vedic texts, (are as impure as) falsehood (itself), that is a fixed rule.
I would like to remind you that a copy of Manusmriti was burnt as a protest in the presence of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar during historic Mahad agitation in December, 1927.
For RSS Casteism is synonymous with Hindu Nation
Sir, as a loyal, disciplined and committed cadre of the RSS, you must be familiar with the fact that Casteism is the essence of Hindu Nationalism. 'Guru' Golwalkar went to the extent of declaring that Casteism was synonymous with the Hindu Nation. According to him, the Hindu people are none else but,
The Virat Purusha, the Almighty manifesting himself […] [according to purusha sukta] sun and moon are his eyes, the stars and the skies are created from his nabhi [navel] and Brahmin is the head, Kshatriya the hands, Vaishya the thighs and Shudra the feet. This means that the people who have this fourfold arrangement, i.e., the Hindu People, is [sic] our God. This supreme vision of Godhead is the very core of our concept of ‘nation’ and has permeated our thinking and given rise to various unique concepts of our cultural heritage.15
Sir, please tell me whether you stand with the RSS and 'Guruji' or with the Democratic-Secular Polity that has given you your power. This concerns common Hindus and specially women.
I am sorry that my letter is getting long. You will forgive me as I have no other choice as your Reuter interview and other utterances and actions cover a very large canvas. You will appreciate that I am not raising the issue of the 2002 Gujarat Carnage as many other individuals and organizations have been doing. I strongly feel that I must raise those issues which generally are skipped: what is your agenda for the Hindus of this country and for the existing Democratic-Secular polity.
I will end by raising two more issues, Sir.
‘Hindu Nationalists’ celebrate assassination of Gandhi
Nathuram Godse and others who conspired to kill M.K. Gandhi, claimed to be ‘Hindu Nationalists’. They described killing as something ordained by God. RSS celebrated his killing by distributing sweets. Are they not revered by the Hindutva camp? Aren’t you one of them? When you were in
15Golwalkar, M. S., We or Our Nationhood Defined, (Nagpur:Bharat Publications, 1939), p.36.
Goa in June 2013 for the BJP executive committee meeting, you sent a message to the ‘All India Hindu Convention for Establishment of Hindu Nation’ organised by the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS). Your message read: “Even though every Hindu conducts himself with love, compassion and intimacy with god, giving precedence to non-violence, truth and “satvikta”, repelling demoniacal tendencies is in our destiny. It is our tradition to remain alert and raise a voice against persecution…Only by protecting our culture, can the flag of “dharma” and unity be kept intact. Organisations inspired by nationalism, patriotism and devotion for the Nation are true manifestations of people's power.”16
You must have sent this intimate fraternal message to the HJS knowing them well. Shockingly, from the same dais in this convention from where your felicitation message was read, one of the prominent speakers, K.V. Sitaramiah, declared that Gandhi was 'terrible, wicked and most sinful'. Rejoicing the killing of M.K. Gandhi, he went on to declare, “As Bhagwan Shri Krishna said in the Gita, Paritranaya Sadhunam Vinashaya Cha Dushkritam/ Dharamasansthapnaya Sambhavami Yuge-Yuge (For the protection of the good, for the destruction of the wicked and for the establishment of righteousness, I am born in every age) On…30th January 1948 evening, Shriram came in the form of Nathuram Godse and ended the life of Gandhi.”17
Let me add that K.V. Sitaramaiah has also authored a book titled ‘Gandhi was Dharma Drohi and Desa Drohi’ in which the back cover matter, quoting from the epic Mahabharat, demands ‘Dharma Drohis must be killed’, ‘Not killing the deserved to be killed is great sin’ and ‘where the members of Parliament seeing clearly allow to kill Dharma & truth as untruth, those members will be called dead’.
Sir, please say if this is not an open call to annihilate those members of Parliament who do not subscribe to author’s definition of Dharma.
Neo-Nazi mass murderer of Norway, Breivik, glorified ‘Hindu Nationalists’ 18
Last of all; kindly tell me how you respond to Norwegian mass killer Neo-Nazi, Anders Behring Breivik, who hailed India's ‘Hindu Nationalist’ movement as a key ally in a global struggle to bring down democratic regimes across the world. Just before he went to massacre a large number of
16 http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=http%3A%2F%2Fen-maktoob.news.yahoo.com%2Fmodi-speaks-goa-hindu-convention-111920534.html&ei=UTF-8&fr=moz35
17 http://www.hindujagruti.org/news/16527_mohandas-gandhi-was-terrible-wicked-and-most-sinful.html
18 http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/norwegian-mass-killers-manifesto-hails-hindutva/article2293829.ece & http://ibnlive.in.com/news/norwegian-killer-anders-breiviks-manifesto-supports-hindutva/170496-3.html
people in Norway he released a 'manifesto' of 1,518 pages, of which 102 pages dealt with the Hindutva movement of India. It declared support to 'Sanatana Dharma movements and Indian nationalists in general.' This manifesto also laid down a plan of co-operation between Neo-Nazi movements of Europe and ‘Hindu Nationalist’ organizations of India. It said that it was essential that these two 'learn from each other and cooperate as much as possible' as 'Our goals are more or less identical.' This manifesto specially mentioned the names of Hindutva organizations like RSS, BJP, ABVP & VHP in this regard. Importantly, the manifesto pledged military support 'to the nationalists in the Indian civil war and in the deportation of all Muslims from India' as part of a larger campaign to 'overthrow of all western European multiculturalist governments.' I am requesting your response on a matter which, in fact, should have been raised by the Reuter journalists.
I shall be eagerly looking forward to your response. I am sure that with the vast resources available to you, nationally and internationally, it will not cause much inconvenience to your Highness.
Thanking you.
Shamsul Islam
Delhi, 17-07-2013



PM Modi's pet bullet train project between Mumbai and Ahmedabad to be operational in 2022 may never materialize as by then BJP/RSS may not be ruling India and hopefully national priorities would change for more earthly causes. 'Achche-din' promised by Modi immediately after taking over as PM in 2014 may be decades away, however, the Hindutva juggernaut under the present BJP/RSS rulers is running amok despite India still being committed to a democratic-secular polity. Ironically, the Hindutva rulers who took oath to remain faithful to the democratic-secular Constitution of India continue indulging in nefarious anti-national activities crossing all limits. In fact, there seems to be a competition going on amongst them that who would inflict the maximum damage to the present constitutional polity of India.


The latest character from this Hindutva demolition squad to decry and denigrate Indian constitutional polity is Anantkumar Hegde, blue-eyed boy both of RSS and PM Modi and a minister in latter's cabinet. Hegde who learnt Hindutva tricks of polarization while threatening to convert the Guru Dattatreya Baba Budan Dargah in the Baba Budan Giri range of Chickmagalur into the 'Ayodhya of the South' declared war on the Indian Constitution. It is to be noted that he was made a central minister despite the fact that he was caught on camera hitting a doctor, grabbing him by the throat and slamming him against a wall. Hegde was furious because he felt the doctors were not paying enough attention to his mother, who had suffered multiple fractures after a fall at home. He also gave a call for uprooting Islam.


This Hindutva champion while addressing a public meeting (December 24, 2017) organised by the Brahman Yuva Parishad in Koppal district of Karnataka declared that the BJP had come to power to "change the Constitution” which it would do in the “near future”. He was immensely scornful of the principle of secularism. According to him secularists were “people without parentage or who don’t know their bloodline. They don’t know themselves. They don’t know their parents, but they call themselves secular. If someone says I am secular, I get suspicious. I hope there are no secularists here”. While denigrating secularists he brought in the issue of their parenthood, declaring the former as illegitimate children. Thus he not only spread canard against the present upholders of democratic-secular India but also denigrated great leaders like Bhagat Singh, Chandershekhar Azad, Ashfaqullah Khan, MK Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, Sardar Patel, Dr BR Ambedkar, Abul Kalam Azad, Subhashchander Bose, Jawahar Lal Nehru who lived and died for an all-inclusive India.


He made it clear that though word secular was part of Indian Constitution but "this will change in the near future". India of Hegde could not be an all-inclusive India but where people would identify themselves as per the religions they professed. Hegde stressed that "if someone says I am a Muslim, or I am a Christian, or I am a Lingayat, or I am a Hindu, I feel very happy because he knows his roots". According to Hegde's take there are no Indians but Hindus, Muslims, Christians and so on. Thus Hegde presented himself as a votary of religious based identity of Indians like the Muslim League.


As if all this was not enough he went on to glorify Manusmriti as ancient Hindu law. Defending BJP/RSS love for Manusmriti, Hegde declared: “They talk about Manusmriti today, but it’s ancient. Today, what is being used is Ambedkar Smriti, and before that was the Parashar Smriti. Smriti simply means ancient laws. If you don’t know history, you are foolish.”

Hegde, in fact, was underlining an old demand of RSS of replacing democratic-secular Constitution of India with a Hindu rashtra where Manusmriti which decrees a sub-human status to Hindu women and Sudras would be law of the land. When the Constituent Assembly of India passed the Constitution of India on November 26, 1949, RSS was not happy. Its organ, Organiser in an editorial on November 30, 1949, complained: "But in our Constitution there is no mention of the unique constitutional development in ancient Bharat. Manu’s Laws were written long before Lycurgus of Sparta or Solon of Persia. To this day his laws as enunciated in the Manusmriti excite the admiration of the world and elicit spontaneous obedience and conformity. But to our constitutional pundits that means nothing."

By demanding promulgation of laws of Manu in an Independent India RSS was simply following its mentor, philosopher and guide VD Savarkar who argued: "Manusmriti is that scripture which is most worship-able after Vedas for our Hindu Nation and which from ancient times has become the basis of our culture-customs, thought and practice. This book for centuries has codified the spiritual and divine march of our nation. Even today the rules which are followed by crores of Hindus in their lives and practice are based on Manusmriti. Today Manusmriti is Hindu Law."

The glorification of Manusmriti in a programme of an organization of Brahmins by Hegde was quite meaningful. As per the Manu Code if Sudras are to be given most stringent punishments for even petty actions sitting with the people of high Cates, the same Code of Manu is very lenient towards Brahmins. Shloka 380 in Chapter VIII bestowing profound love on Brahmins decrees: “Let him never slay a Brahmana, though he have committed all (possible) crimes; let him banish such an (offender), leaving all his property (to him) and (his body) unhurt.”


It is shocking that a central minister is brazenly declaring his and his BJP/RSS government's plan to undo democratic-secular India. It is anti-national declaration, betrayal of the ideals of the freedom struggle, sabotage of the wisdom of the Constituent Assembly of India and open defiance of dozens of decisions of the Supreme Court in which highest court of justice decreed secularism and democracy as 'basic features' of the Indian polity. The Supreme Court of India must take a suo motu cognizance of Hegde's crime and order filing of a case against him for planning subversion of the Indian polity. Moreover, President of the Indian Republic, a Dalit icon, must order the removal of Hegde from the Modi government and order his punishment for anti-national call.

Sadly, with ministers like Anantkumar Hegde around, no foreign enemy is required to destroy democratic-secular India. It is high time that custodians of Indian polity should take stern action against this subversion from within.

Shamsul Islam



Congress Once Again Falls Into The Hindutva Trap

[A version of this op-ed also appeared in Counter Currents.]

The Hindutva camp has unabashedly once again thrown in the ring name of its trusted and tested follower, SRI SRI RAVISHANKAR (not content having ONE SRI in his name) as ‘mediator’ between Hindus and Muslims on the Babri mosque/Ram temple conflict. Shockingly, the Congress lauded Art of Living founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s efforts to hold talk with the stake holders of Babri Masjid-Ram Temple and act as a ‘mediator’ between them.

According to press reports senior Congress leader Tom Vadakkan told journalists that if such efforts were made by Sri Sri, it was appreciable, “While this matter subjudice, the court did say that this matter can be settled outside the court and if efforts have been made by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar to solve the problem, it is welcome decision. The point is, it must be discussed properly with the stakeholders and no pressure must be brought on anybody. If done amicably it is good for country.”[i]

It is sad that a hardcore Hindutva baba, Sri Sri Ravis hankar is being presented as ‘mediator’ in the Ayodhya mosque demolition issue. There are three critical issues to be kept in mind while accepting Sri Sri as a ‘mediator’. Firstly, the demolition of mosque on December 6, 1992 is not between Hindus and Muslims. It is between Hindutva organizations and democratic-secular Indian polity. The mosque was demolished despite orders of Supreme Court, assurances by the RSS/BJP leaders to parliament and PM Narsimha Rao. Parliament and PM both promised to rebuild the mosque at its original site. Secondly, what’s the hurry when country is awaiting judgments from the Supreme Court and lower courts in criminal as well as deewani  (ownership question) aspects of the case. Thirdly, this baba is not a neutral ‘mediator’. He is an old RSS (which was responsible for demolition of mosque at Ayodhya on December 6, 2017) cadre who has been attending all major programmes of RSS. Earlier RSS and his supporters advanced the name of Dalai Lama, also a great pal of the RSS, but his name was withdrawn for his open hobnobbing with the RSS.

Sri Sri’s modus operandi, operations, gimmicks and close connections with
RSS have been recorded by a renowned South Asia expert and journalist in his book, In Spite of the Gods: The Strange Rise of Modern India, Doubleday, New York, 2007. According to him:

“I was still several miles from the ashram. But I could already make out its imposing meditation hall illuminated in shimmering blue and white light. I had come to visit Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (not to be confused with Ravi Shankar, the classical sitar player), who is perhaps the most prominent of a new breed of highly successful Hindu evangelists, at his Art of Living Foundation near Bangalore in south India. It was evening and hundreds of devotees had already congregated for evening prayers. From close up, the meditation hall was even more striking. Rising to five stories, it had been built entirely from marble. The hall was shaped like a lotus. There were 1,008 marble petals covering the exterior of the building symbolizing the diversity of human consciousness. It was only a few years old. The funding for this extravagant construction had come from corporate donations-much of it from the software companies in nearby Bangalore-and revenues the foundation earns from its hugely popular course in breathing techniques and meditation. ‘Come inside,’ said the polite young lady assigned to show me around. ‘You are just in time to watch the guruji take his evening questions.’”

“The interior was even more striking, fashioned like a Roman amphitheatre. We sat on polished white marble steps looking down at the stage in the centre. I felt like I had stepped inside a large wedding cake. Above us the walls and ceilings were covered with pink lotuses. On the pillars that supported the dome around the central stage were the symbols of the world’s main religions: the Islamic Crescent, the star of David, and the Cross of Jesus. In the centre, much larger than the other representations, was a depiction of Laxmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth. Alone on the stage, on what looked to be a large throne, sat a man in flowing white robes with an equally flowing white robes with an equally flowing beard and silky locks of hair falling luxuriantly around his shoulders. It looked as if Jesus were shooting a shampoo advertisement. This was Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

“There was some chanting and clashing of cymbals. Then the prayers ended and a hush descended over the hall. It was time for guruji to take questions. I, expecting people to ask about higher consciousness or metaphysics. But the questions consisted mostly of mundane queries about how to deal with recalcitrant teenagers, whether staying late in the office was a good thing, and how to choose a marriage partner. The guruji spoke in a quiet but sonorous voice. But his answers were more like those of an advice columnist than a prophet. Someone asked how she could truly know she was a good person. ‘You do not need to be sweetie-sweetie, goodie-goodie all the time,’ said guruji. The audience broke into delighted laughter. Puzzled, I looked around to see hundreds of shining eyes and overjoyed expressions. The next question, which came by e-mail and was read by one of guruji’s followers ended with: ‘I love you so much guruji.’ Someone asked about whether it was always wrong to pay bribes. ‘You shouldn’t be too idealistic all the time,’ said the guruji. ‘Sometimes you have to make little, little compromises.’ Again the audience erupted in laughter. I was beginning to wonder about the Art of Living’s breathing techniques.

After the Q&A session had ended, I was told it was now time for my “audience” with Sri Sri Ravishankar. It took a while for the interview to begin because throngs of people had surrounded the guruji seeking his blessing. Half of them were westerners. ‘Can I have your blessing, guruji,’ shouted a blond woman as the guruji was finally entering the interview room. He turned slowly and placed his hands on the woman. Her face was a study in beatific joy. Then he entered the room. After we had settled down, I asked Sri Sri Ravi Shankar what he thought about the arrest of the Shankaracharya of Kanchi. ‘It was shock to me,’ he said. ‘It was also shock to hear about all the financial inefficiency in the mutt (temple). But I am not surprised at the lack of public reaction. The Hindus are a very docile people. We are a non-violent people. But maybe it has also to do with the fact that the institution never reaches out to people. Other sections of society don’t feel any attachment to his temple.”

“In contrast to Shankaracharya’s temple in Kanchi, which is dirty, the Art of Living Foundation was spotlessly clean. Its meeting rooms looked like executive boardrooms. There were liquid crystal displays. People from all walks of life and religion are welcome at the Art of Living Foundation. All sorts of credit cards are also accepted. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has a reputation for being a mystic and liberal.

“What is less widely known is the guruji’s close attachment to the RSS. He has shared platforms with VHP leaders at public meetings. I asked him whether the Ram Temple should be built in Ayodhya. ‘Suppose,’ he said, ‘that it was the birthplace of Jesus or Mohammed. What would you have done? Would you have tolerated another structure on that site? Let us build a temple to Ram and let the Muslims make this gesture as an act of goodwill and then the temple will also belong to Allah and to all Muslims.’ To Allah? I asked. ‘Yes, as you must have seen, we accept all paths to God. Sometimes we wish other religions would do the same.’

The guruji’s words reminded me of Advani’s desire to see more “Hindu Muslims” and more “Hindu Christians.” They also reminded me of an interview I had had with Narendra Modi in Gujarat. Modi had said: ‘We have nothing against people who are not Hindus what we cannot accept is when people say; we are whiter than white. Our religion as better than yours.’ As we saw, Modi demonstrated his opinion of such people in more robust ways. I wondered whether the guruji really believed in all this. He seemed courteous and gentle—although I suspected he might also be suffering from a mild dose of narcissism. ‘Why do people want to convert people to other religions?’ theguruji asked. ‘It is great pity. We should protect the cultural diversity of the planet and not try to change it.’ I pointed out that the Art of Living Foundation was thriving in places such as California, London, and the Netherlands. ‘Yes, but we are not a religion. We do not try to convert anyone. There are many paths to God.’

A few weeks later received a telephone call from Ram Madhav, the national spokesman of the RSS. ‘I am calling about Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,’ said Madhav. ‘I was talking to him the other day and he said he was disappointed with your article in the Financial Times. You only quoted his views on politics and the Shankaracharya. He said he was hoping you would quote his views on tolerance and spiritualism.’ It is true my article had lacked space to quote the guruji’s opinions on other matters. But I was surprised the guruji should have chosen the RSS—of all organizations—to convey his complaint.'”[ii][Bold text for emphasis]

Support  of Congress of this baba’s name as ‘mediator’ proves one fact once again that the former has not learnt any lessons from its past blunders in this case when it allowed opening of the gates of mosque, pooja and shila poojan at the site.



Terribly sad times for democratic-secular India. One of the greatest fighters against rising tide of Hindutva politics, feudal and criminal elements, brave thinker, journalist, publisher, creative writer, activist and a personal friend, Gauri Lankesh was assassinated in Bangalore.

There should be no confusion about the killers. These must be the same killers who earlier assassinated MM Kalburgi, Govind Pansare and Narender Dhabolkar. Is this 'vadh' in celebration of Anant Kumar Hegde, a perennial antagonist of communal harmony and communal peace, becoming a Central minister recently?

Those who want to destroy democratic-secular India think that by killing Gauri Lankesh they can silence ideas and activities against the anti-national politics of Hindutva and feudalism. GAURI will always live through her work and ideas. One Gauri is killed but many Gauris will emerge to carry forward the task of saving India from religious zealots!

BRICS in its recent meet in China rightly identified Pakistani terrorist groups. This important world forum must take note of terrorist organizations in India which are out eliminating opponents of Hindutva politics. 

The assassination of Gauri is part of SERIAL KILLINGS of fighters for democratic-secular Indian polity, rights of marginalized/minorities/Dalits/women, against religious bigotry and justice. Karnataka has become a killing field for such brave activists but Congress Government at Bangalore is oblivious of the activities of the Hindutva killing squads. Killers of Professor MM Kalburgi remain untraced so will happen in this case also.