Farcical Search Of The Perpetrators Of 1984 Massacre Of Sikhs By The Indian State

A version of this LTE appeared on 11 January, 2018 in The Tribune.

Another SIT! Since victims are of a minority community justice will never be done. After dozens of enquiry Commissions & Commissions & Special Investigation Teams another SIT after 34 years of Sikh Massacre. The whole exercise seems to gain time so that the terrible memories of the 1984 Massacre disappear from the memory of the Nation. BHARAT MAATAA KEE JAI!

As citizens of India, the largest democracy on this earth, we relish to claim that we are part of a civilization based on the principles like Satyameva Jayate (truth alone triumphs) and ahimsa (non-violence). Sadly, it may not be true for many of us, specially, minorities and Dalits. Despite Indian Constitution assuring no discrimination on the basis of religion and Caste, there are two kinds of system of justice; one for the majority community and high Castes and the other for minority communities and Dalits.