According to press reports Ramdev Yoga guru and Patanjali founder while participating in a TV show (September 30, 2017) said cow urine should be acceptable to Muslims too as something used for treatment. He went to the extent of claiming that "It is written in Quran that cow urine can be used for treatment."

Without going into the debate whether Ramdev was honest in his reference to Quran or not one thing is sure. This Hindutva flag-post, Ramdev, a billionaire baba believes that by adding Muslim/Islamic angle in anything he can be in news and fulfill his design of Muslim bashing. His latest gimmick is asking Muslims to use cow urine therapy. Do all Hindus agree to his this hawkish project of cow urine therapy? Why should not he get it recommended by Dharam Sansad and Ayurvedic Council of India? Why does he not ask RSS/BJP health minister of India to make it compulsory in government hospitals? Can he suggest it to Sikhs/Christians/Jains/Buddhists of India? Why is it that he does not supply cow urine to his friend, Adityanath, another sanyasi and CM of UP so that hundreds of children do not die for want of oxygen and medicines? Baba is not asked whether cow urine is going to be provided free of charge as 'seva' or going to be another item for minting money.

Such inconvenient questions are never asked by channels like India TV owned by Rajat Sharma, an ABVP alumni.

He told Rajat Sharma, a Hindutva co-traveller that “I never think small. I think big. I think about our nation 500 years hence". The issue is that with him around as Raj Purohit of RSS/BJP can we be sure of democratic-secular India surviving for even a decade. He thinks big like PM Modi; Bullet Trains, not bothering about hundreds losing their lives on regular Indian railway network. Ramdev has no bank account but is one of the richest in India owning businesses worth TEN THOUSAND CRORES OF RUPEES. Nobody knows what the value of his assets abroad is.

BTW, this business tycoon baba is also brand ambassador of Haryana but was missing when Haryana burnt for 2 weeks in February 2016, and not long ago, Chandigarh molestation of a Hindu girl by the ward of a senior RSS/BJP leader of Haryana and violence by the followers of baba Gurmeet Singh who was facilitated and financed by RSS/BJP leaders of Haryana.

Ramdev like his RSS mentors must know that Muslim/Islam bashing has its limits.